Wednesday, April 6, 2011

twenty one things that aren't fair.

1.     those arms
2.     the behind-the-head stretching of said arms
3.     that you can be such an ass
4.     that height
5.     that you speak a foreign language
6.     that lip ring
7.     that guitar
8.     that beard
9.     that uniform
10. that you can be so genuinely nice
11. that you’re an athlete
12. that you called your dad papito
13. that you like neil young (this is entirely unintentional from my side)
14.  that you can dance
15. that you can’t dance (but you do it anyhow)
16. those glasses
17. that wit
18. that tattoo
19. that smile
20. that accent
21. that look

Any combination of the preceding means I am at no fault for my behavior, it was out of my control. xx

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, I was trying to figure out who you were talking to and as I got further down I was like, oh, duh, all of them. LOL!
