Monday, April 4, 2011

i see you.

I love to people watch. I’m currently sitting at the top of the arts stairs, pretending to be working on the next biggest psychological concept, but really I’m just watching all of you.

1:56pm …Random kid I once went to Italy with. Why are you wearing sweatpants? Sweatpants should be banned from public places. While I’m on the subject of pants I just want to throw something out there. Leggings are not pants. I don’t care how fantastic your ass is. They’re not pants! So please, do us all the favor of ensuring your top covers your cheeks. Please and thanks.
1:57pm ...Man, I’ve seen the same hottie twice in 20 minutes. I think it’s a sign. His scruff is beautiful. If anyone knows a boy, about 6’2, wearing a toque and blue hoodie, send him my way.  BTW I just had to add hottie to my dictionary on word.
1:59pm…This is the best people watching spot, besides the bowl, which at the moment is actually a lake, and I forgot my canoe at home. I think people are getting suspicious of me, I’m not glancing, I’m just straight up staring.
2:00pm …Have you ever noticed the painting outside the arts buffeteria? It looks like the collective work of a third grade class. Maybe it is. Sorry if it's yours.
2:03pm .. My friends are freaks. One only likes the coconut jelly bellies. Love her anyhow.
2:05pm …Fingers crossed that hottie comes back.
2:07pm …There’s a creeper staring at me. I guess that’s what I get for staring at everyone else.
2:08pm …I need a class change to change up my scenery.
2:11pm …I really wish I didn’t have to go to this psych advising session. They’re just going to tell me how much I sucked this year. Thanks, but I already know.
2:13pm …Fuck roll up the rim. I still haven’t won.
2:14pm …I thought the creeper left, but he has returned. Fantastic. I thought karma was supposed to get you in your next life.
2:15pm … My beard post seems to have caught on. 62.5 percent of the males walking past are sporting facial hair. Apparently everyone grew beards overnight, just like Ryan. That has to be my doing, right?
2:17pm ... Red sweatpants, colossal sin.
2:18pm …Class change. Yes!
2:20pm ... Shit,  I don’t even know where Arts 200 is. I should have figured that out earlier.
2:21pm … When did they start letting 12-year-olds into university? Seriously.
2:22pm … Tall Starbucks guy, I love you. Come back to our store.
2:25pm … Friends ex gets a dirty look. I gotsta support ma peoples.
2:26pm … Wolf whistling at people is hilarious. Seeing who thinks they’ve been whistled at and who refuses to turn around is the best.
2:26pm …Time to go. xx


  1. Love this post. Can I join next time. Maybe I'll have known hottie with a toque?

  2. Haha! You're so clever. That is such a good spot!
