Thursday, April 21, 2011

i promise to...?


Promise rings. Everytime I see one I want to barf. IF YOU HAVE ONE, PLEASE DON’T HATE ME. I just don’t understand them. First of all, what is it that you are promising exactly? To maybe consider thinking about possibly getting married? To be together forever—until you aren’t? Why not just move right to the engagement ring? I researched the history of promise rings (on Wikipedia, don’t hate, that shit’s legit) and all I concluded was back in the day couples that were too broke to get married got promise rings. So unless your family can’t afford to pay your dowry (which I doubt, seeing as it isn’t 1864), I see no good reason for them. Isn’t it a given that you will be monogamous in your relationship, do you really need a ring to remind you not to go home with that rando? Honestly, I’m less opposed to purity rings. At least those are cut and dry.  No sex until you’re married. Engagement rings- you’re gonna get married. Wedding rings- you’re married.  Promise rings…? I mean really. xx

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