Monday, April 4, 2011

beards. they grow on you.

I’m helpless when it comes to a man with a beard. I don’t understand what my fascination with them is, or where it came from, but it’s getting out of hand. Swoon. I can’t be the only one here.  A man with a beard makes me weak at the knees. Nothing says man like a beard-- but not all facial hair was made equal.

i. Mustache (and all it’s variations)- Generally amusing, but I have yet to see a moustache that knocks my socks off. There’s potential for another post here.

ii. Soul Patch – Not a good look, it looks like you just missed a spot shaving. What’s the point?!

iii. Chinstrap – Oooh boy. Don’t even know where to start. My favorite is when guys attempt to create some sort of a jaw line by shaving those skinny little chinstraps. YOU’RE NOT FOOLING ANYONE BUD!

iv. Goatee – I’m not a huge fan, although I have one friend who loves ‘em. They’re a little too groomed for my tastes.

v. Mutton Chops - It takes a special kind of man to rock this style.

vi. Five o’Clock Shadow – Classic sexy, a close second to scruff, at least in my books.

vii. Scruff –Rugged, manly, beard perfection.

viii. Full on beard – While I have seen this beard done well, it’s hard to pull off. And left to grow too long it becomes its own entity.

Am I right, or am I right? xx

*Public Service Warning - beard burn is a common side effect, consider yourself warned*

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