Friday, April 1, 2011

the behind-the-head arm stretch.

Yes boys I’m looking at you here. I couldn’t find a picture but you all know what I’m talking about. So casual, yet so powerful. Is this a secret weapon that you keep in your arsenal, or are just totally unaware of its power? We’re just sitting there chatting, when all of a sudden, OUT OF NOWHERE, you do it. The lean back, the stretch, the reach, the slight flex of your oh-so-beautiful biceps. STOP IT! It makes me lose my train of thought, in fact it’s very hard to think at all. Seriously, this behavior is uncalled for and must be stopped.

…On second thought, it’s way too sexy to ban that shit. So maybe just save it for special moments, I find losing my panties in public to be very embarrassing.

Thanks for your cooperation in this matter. xx

1 comment:

  1. I seriously wonder if they ever know what they are doing. There have definitely been times when I just stop talking and stare when it goes down. Can't help that shit!
