Wednesday, April 6, 2011

it's back.

Look at what has made it's return, after a very long 2 month hiatus. More exciting than the forthcoming Royal Wedding, the return of the Coconut Mocha Frappuccino, EVEN more exciting than the upcoming arrival of Sephora in Saskatoon!!!! Okay. Maybe not. But still pretty friggin' good. We've got a pretty standard distribution here, no real standouts, but lots of potential. Plummeting interest resulted in a lack of data for February and March, but now that spring is in the air, anything could happen. xx


  1. AHHHH!!!!! Who is who?! I think I have an idea for one or two of them. Are there any girl crushes on this one?

  2. HAHAHAH omg you sly dog, you! I thought it was going to be in code so we could guess that way.. Hmmm I'll just have to use my super deducting skils...
