Friday, April 29, 2011

my feathers' are royally ruffled.

my future in-laws. nbd.
This shit is rockin' my world. I was moderately excited to watch the whole thing, but I really didn't expect to be this into it. I watched a couple documentaries in preparation earlier in the week, but I didn't go nuts. Now I'm fucking glued to the couch, flipping between channels, trying to catch everything. 

  1. These hats are sooooooooooooooooo unreal. I want. Seriously. But I'm pretty sure half these women can't see a fucking thing. But they look fabulous.
  2. Oh hi, Posh and Becks!
  3. OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYY GAAAAAAAWWWWDDDDDDDD how fucking good do the princes look? Unreal. My jaw LITERALLY dropped. Wow. That is all.
  4. Carol Middleton=MILF
  5. I don't know who those posh bitches are, but those hats are amazing!
  6. Aww, the Queen. So cute. 
  7. I don't really understand why the bridal party is so young...
  8. OH MY OH MY OH MY KATE! That dress is stunning!!!!!! LACE <3 <3 <3 I am so glad I stayed up for this. I'm also glad you didn't go strapless.
  9. I know I'm being ridiculous, but if you are watching, you understand.
  10. Awwwww cutie baby bridesmaids. Also, hot sis, but why is she wearing white?
  11. Again, Kate is just stunning. I'm in awe.
  12. HOLY SHIT I'm freaking out! Butterflies. I'm gonna vom.
  13. I've already started with the tears. Fantastic.
  14. I said that was all, I lied. SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON.
  15. No words.
  16. Ok, I obviously lied. Lots of words. Did you see him mouth you look beautiful? How has she not fainted yet? Cue the waterworks.
  17. How rad is it to have Posh, Becks, Elton and the Queen singing for you?
  18. That choir was adorable. I must have one for my wedding.
  19. Did you see the sleeping nun? WTF?
  20. I don't know how they all managed to keep it together.
  21. Standing at the doors of the Cathedral, they looked just like Cinderella and Prince Charming.
  22. Oh wow. Just lovely. So beautiful.
  23. Bedtime.

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