Thursday, June 16, 2011

dear diary.

I have had a diary since I was approximately six years old. My very first diary contains brief summaries of my day, things like what kind of popsicle I had for lunch, what beanie baby I just bought, or what I did at my Grandma's. I wrote in that same diary for a brief stint when I was about 10. Those entries are about sleepovers, and crushes, and glitter. All of the good stuff. Then I moved to my second and favourite diary. It contains everything from ages 13 through 17. The first part is mainly dedicated to my first big crush. I minute little details about things that happened in gym class and on the playground. What he wore that day. A poem (yeah, I'm a freak, but you knew that.) My fascination with him eventually wore out and I moved on to my next crush. And the next. And the next. You get the idea. There's stories from camp, with girls from all over the world and charts of who liked who in the 8th grade. I didn't write very much in high school, a couple of updates when something big happened. When I turned 18 I decided to start fresh with an adult journal. To remember the excitement of my youth, to have something to show my kids. Just kidding, that diary is so not child friendly. I kind of like to think of this blog as an extension of my journal. And so the tradition continues, I write about the one thing my mind always floats back to. Boys.

I took a really long midnight drive tonight, to sort out my thoughts. I don't think I really came to any conclusions. 

Normally I would be posting the chart for this week, but I think I feel the same as last week, so I'll wait for something interesting to happen. In the meanwhile I'll be keeping an eye out for the next big one. xx

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