Tuesday, May 24, 2011

twenty one things i plan to do this summer.

  1. Take a road trip with my girls
  2. Make a secret hollow book (shit, I’ve given myself away)
  3. Learn to play poker
  4. Go canoeing (i.e. drifting)
  5. Find the best caesars in the city
  6. Go camping
  7. Start going to yoga again
  8. Go skinny dipping
  9. Drink sangria on patios
  10. Shenanigan. Hard.
  11. Lay in the sun for hours
  12. Have a fling…or two
  13. Read all of the classics again
  14. Watch every James Bond movie
  15. Take a drive with no destination
  16. Eat tons of ice cream by the river
  17. Learn the whole Thriller dance
  18. Stop biting my nails. Again.
  19. Figure out my favorite kind of wine.
  20. Learn to drive stick
  21. Hang out with my grandpa for a week or so
What big summer plans have you got? Any chance I can join? xx


  1. possibly the best summer eva? i will join you on 16 fo sho, and the rest i'll make an appearance for...especially for 12 and perhaps 21

  2. I cannot wait to shenanigan hard with you. It will be so good. And I can teach you 20! :) li'l red's been wanting some adventure for a while :P
