Thursday, May 19, 2011

staring is encouraged.

I sort of wish I hadn't started posting this fucking chart. It's almost less interesting than my neuropsych homework. Seriously. But, my birthday is this weekend, and let's just say my birthday shenanigans always end up being... interesting. Good interesting. Very good interesting actually. So there's that to look forward to. Also, Saskatoon has a World Cup of Soccer which is this weekend, which I'm sure will be teeming with sexy soccer players. Maybe even one or two players from the chart. Who knows? Let me know if you want to join, staring at athletes is more acceptable than staring at strangers, hell it's even encouraged.  Speaking of staring at athletes... I went to my first ballgame on Monday night. What a bizarre sport. I had a good time hollerin' at the players, and also oogling their asses, but I still have no idea how the game works. Also, they yell the most ridiculous things at each other. Attaboy! Hey big man! Let's go big boy! Hilarious stuff. But super fun. I recommend it to anyone with nothing to do on a monday night, who cares if you don't know the players, I'm sure they'd love to have a hot woman (or man, whatever) yelling innuendos at them... I mean, who wouldn't? xx

Also, just because I love you, here's a sexy swede to drool over.

Find the rest of the shoot at:

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