Sunday, May 8, 2011

like a fine wine.

the ultimate
Lately I've been finding myself quite attracted to *ahem* older men. I'm not talking thirty here, I'm talking like 50+. Now this may be partially due to the fact that lots of the regulars at work are older gentlemen. And they wear suits, and have a certain air about them. Actually the other night, I had this dream where I was at the Colonial, and one of the silver fox regulars was there and we danced. At first I was hesitant, because let's face it, he was old enough to be my father(potentially grandfather), but it really didn't take much convincing. What a glorious dream. It's okay to have a thing for them, as long as I don't start chasing after them...isn't it? Obviously women have a long history being attracted to older men, but I have only recently come to understand the beauty of salt and pepper hair. There's just something so sexy about a worldly sophisticated gentleman. Hmm... I think I may have to pop Runaway Bride into the DVD player. xx

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