Wednesday, June 22, 2011

drowning in the maze of a summer.

I went to a friend's cabin this weekend. Good people + good music = a good time. I always forget how much I love the lake, until I'm there, toes in the icy water. Honestly, I could sit on the end of a dock for hours, especially in the dark. Just staring into the abyss. It's a good place for thinking on thoughts. Everything seems simpler. Or maybe it just makes me yearn for simplicity. When I was younger I used to have a crush on a boy at the lake. Every year, as we drove up the road, I was dying to see if their cabin was open. I don't remember why I liked him anymore, but I remember the feeling. It's a good feeling. Like listening to country music, laying in the sand, and fishing off the end of the dock. xx

photo from:

1 comment:

  1. what a feeling indeed. let's have a simple summer this year
