Tuesday, November 22, 2011

twenty one reasons Ryan Gosling is the sexiest man alive.

1. He makes funny faces at the paparazzi.

                                                    2. He has a Shel Silverstein tattoo.

3. He does ballet.

“I just feel like I wouldn’t know how to think any other way. My sister was my best friend and my hero growing up. Because I was home-schooled I didn’t have a lot of friends and I did ballet, which was always just girls. All of that had an effect on my brain.” - Ryan Gosling

4. He made the kitchen table in the Notebook himself.
Oh yeah.

5. He plays guitar.

6. He gives good presents.

7. He corrupted Britney Spears.
On possibly corrupting Britney Spears' sexuality as a kid: "They would come and ask me questions about sex, and I just told them what I heard - like positions and stuff. All the other mothers went to Disney and told them I was corrupting their kids. I feel somewhat responsible for how sexual [Britney Spears] is right now. When I see her with a snake around her neck, I think, did I do that?" - Ryan Gosling

8. He's a good samaritan.

9. He's a philanthropist. And has sweet dance moves.
Skip to 2:10 for the good part. Also, here's the website.

10. He loves his momma.

11. The Notebook.

12. Those baby blues.

13a. He knows how to dress well.

13b. Really well.

14. He loves his pup.

15a. He looks good with glasses.

15b. He looks good without glasses.

16. He tattooed himself.

17. He looks good with a beard.

18. He was in the Mickey Mouse Club.

19. He has an awesome band.

20. He looks photoshopped.

21. He's Canadian
Also, he appears to share my pyromaniac tendencies.

Seriously. Ryan Gosling is the reason I'm single. xx


  1. well done - I just started a blog on tumblr and stumbled across this - even used the same notebook table photo!!
