Friday, September 9, 2011

back to school fashion no-nos.

Today marks the end of the first week back to school. I meant to post this earlier, but got caught up in my studies (read: beer gardens). Oh well, better late than never. Everyday I see some serious fashion blunders and I mostly just feel bad for the victims. But I'm here to save the day. Here are some back to school fashions that are simply not acceptable.

  1. High Heels and Lulus - I don't care how great your ass look, it's just ridiculous. Lulus are for exercise or lounging. If you are wearing heels you are clearly doing neither. Put some fucking pants on.
  2. Free Huskie T-shirts - I know that they give them away at orientation, and it's great that you want to represent. Go school spirit. But seriously, you look like a major noob! (yes I said that). Save those shirts for game day. When I see them in the hallway it just makes me want to shove you. And don't use the "I have no clean clothes excuse", it's the first week of school, I'm sure you could have scrounged something else up.
  3. Purse and Backpack  - I get it, Uni students have a lot of shit to carry around. I feel your pain. But you DO NOT need a backpack AND a purse! Pick one. For the love of god, pick ONE!
  4. Sweatsuit outfits - We're all busy, studying, working, whatever. But are you seriously telling me you didn't have time to put real pants on? Jeans are just as easy and make you look less like a 40 year old man who has given up on life.
  5. Sloppy bun, but a full face of makeup - I don't understand. You had time to put on 15 layers of foundation, but not to make a decent ponytail? Get your priorities straight!
I realize I might sound pretty harsh, but I'm just trying to save you! xx

1 comment:

  1. we should put those stickies up around campus!!!!!
