Wednesday, September 28, 2011

an ode to chest hair.

Men: Keep it. Leave it. Don't wax it. Don't shave it. No depilatories. Ok, I know you don't even know what those are. BUT SERIOUSLY. Your man fur is fantastic. It is nice to stroke. You should embrace it. It is the essence of man. Okay, okay, I know I'm getting carried away, but I am concerned about the current state of affairs surrounding mens grooming. It has gone too far. Fight back I say! Retaliate!. Bear your manly chest hair proudly, like these hunks I have included gratuitously. 

Penn is really rocking great casual chest hair here. Shame they make him shave it all off, just because television networks insist on having men play boys.

Jeremy on the other hand is all man. He knows his secret weapon is only two popped buttons away. I didn't even think he was hot until I found this. Now I have no choice.

See how soulful Zach looks? Ladies, don't you just want to lay in bed and stroke his chest, while he reads you Whitman or something?

See boys, chest hair gets you two hot bitches with tits poppin'! Does it get better than that?

Ladies: Agree or disagree? Are you with me, or are you with me? xx

Friday, September 23, 2011

fifty things every british girl should have.

This is an old post I stole from the Sunday Times. I re-examine it every once and awhile when I'm looking for wardrobe inspiration.

1 GOLD HOOP EARRINGS For days when you wanna look J.Lo glam. These shouldn’t be so big as to look like you haven’t got over the gypsy trend, nor so small as to make you look like a three-year-old on a council estate.
2 A BERET For bad-hair days. It will take you straight to Kim Basinger in Batman. Just don’t obsess about the angle: they should be worn with nonchalance.
3 A VINTAGE OSSIE CLARK DRESS Separates the women from the girls. Fabulously flattering at any age, from 18 to 80.
4 EXPENSIVE BLACK LACE LINGERIE At least one set. For obvious reasons.
5 A PAIR OF THERMAL SHORTS For when you want to wear a skirt without tights, but it’s a bit parky outside.
6 SILK STOCKINGS A rite of passage for every woman — and, subsequently, for her man. In slightly unusual shades — such as petrol or burgundy — they make an outfit. And in this country they can be worn for three-quarters of the year.
7 A DECENT TRENCH COAT Some people are scared of trenches because they look fussy — they’re not. Everyone from Burberry to M&S does them, so there’s no excuse.
8 A LEATHER JACKET It should be cropped and fitted nicely around your waist. Takes you from a gig to the supermarket via your mum’s and a first date. Enough said.
9 A GOOD WALLET Because if a bag matters, so does your purse — and people see it all the time. Jimmy Choo’s, we feel, are particularly well thought-out.
10 A PAIR OF FALSIES (eyelashes, that is). Instant divadom.

Check out the rest after the jump!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

how do i love thee? let me count the ways.

when is it over?

How do you know when it's over? When it's gone? These past few months I have seen a lot of ghosts, and I've been trying to figure out the answer for myself. Once it starts, is it ever gone? Forever? Or is it always a thing, or a thing that used to be a thing? I know you can move on, and get over it, but can you simply get rid of it? Or is everything a forever thing? xx

Friday, September 9, 2011

back to school fashion no-nos.

Today marks the end of the first week back to school. I meant to post this earlier, but got caught up in my studies (read: beer gardens). Oh well, better late than never. Everyday I see some serious fashion blunders and I mostly just feel bad for the victims. But I'm here to save the day. Here are some back to school fashions that are simply not acceptable.

  1. High Heels and Lulus - I don't care how great your ass look, it's just ridiculous. Lulus are for exercise or lounging. If you are wearing heels you are clearly doing neither. Put some fucking pants on.
  2. Free Huskie T-shirts - I know that they give them away at orientation, and it's great that you want to represent. Go school spirit. But seriously, you look like a major noob! (yes I said that). Save those shirts for game day. When I see them in the hallway it just makes me want to shove you. And don't use the "I have no clean clothes excuse", it's the first week of school, I'm sure you could have scrounged something else up.
  3. Purse and Backpack  - I get it, Uni students have a lot of shit to carry around. I feel your pain. But you DO NOT need a backpack AND a purse! Pick one. For the love of god, pick ONE!
  4. Sweatsuit outfits - We're all busy, studying, working, whatever. But are you seriously telling me you didn't have time to put real pants on? Jeans are just as easy and make you look less like a 40 year old man who has given up on life.
  5. Sloppy bun, but a full face of makeup - I don't understand. You had time to put on 15 layers of foundation, but not to make a decent ponytail? Get your priorities straight!
I realize I might sound pretty harsh, but I'm just trying to save you! xx

you said it darla.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

fifteen reasons to makeout with someone from

1. Because he or she is really hot, and you can forsee telling your friends "Oh, we made out once." with extreme pride.
2. Because the conversation isn't actually that interesting. (Or because it's so interesting that you could just kiss them.)
3. Because they smell really, really good.
4. Because if you wanna know how he loves you so? It's in his kiss.
5. Because you actually believe in your friend's ability to not be weird about it the next day.

More after the jump.