Friday, July 29, 2011

it's my blog and i'll cry when I want to.

I love a good cry. Seriously. It's very freeing. A good book, sad movie, or depressing song and the waterworks start flowing. Sometimes I watch something sad just to make myself cry. I think it runs in the family. My mom is the youngest of four, and she said that sometimes, she would sit in front of the mirror and watch herself cry because no one else felt sorry for her. I guess that's how I feel sometimes. This probably sound extremely depressing, but I really don't mean it that way. I think it's just a good way to release pent up feelings. Which I have a lot of. But it had been a while since I had a good cry, which is worrisome because I've had a very emotional month. Anyhow, last night I started, and finished Sisterhood Everlasting, the most recent Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants book. I'm not about to spoil anything, but I will say this. It was really fucking sad. I bawled for two hours. It felt great though. Then I listened to some sad music and cried more. Then I slept like a baby. So if you're in need of a good cry, I would definitely recommend it. xx

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