Friday, October 14, 2011

the only cure to boys.

I was looking back at some of my old posts, and lemme tell ya, you really learn a lot about yourself by keeping track of every insane thought you ever have. It's sort of theraputic. It's really reassuring to look back and realize that something that seemed like a really big deal hardly matters anymore. And if there's one thing I've learned it's that the only cure to boys is more boys. A new fling just puts a spring in your step, making it way easier to forgot all that old shit from the last lame boy. So get out there. Wink at cute boys, flirt. You don't have to commit, but you never know, you might find one who can keep your attention. xx

Side note: Yes, I admit, I watch PLL on occasion, but it's only because Mr. Fitz is a fox. I acknowledge that it is quite possibly the worst show ever made.

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