Thursday, March 31, 2011

twenty one things about me.

1. I love rootbeer. Even when it's a day old. Actually, I  think it's better that way.
2. My love affair with coffee has reached an all time high. I even smell like it now.
3. I love my truck Bruiser. She had a breakdown last year, but she's makin' a slow recovery.
4. I'm boy crazy. But who isn't?
5. I would make an excellent private eye. I'm very observant. Diefenbaker Watch fo' life.
6. I'm a psychology major.
7. I have been working on my baby names list for a couple of years now, but don't expect to see it on the blog. I can't have people stealing my baby names.
8. I read the missed connections on Kijiji religiously. It's my dream to be the subject of one.
9. My movie collection is 99.9% rom-coms. I make no apologies for this.
10. I've got the travel itch again. I'm thinking Spain. or maybe Greece.
11. Kill Fuck Marry is the best game ever invented. Look forward to many posts featuring KFM in the future.
12. I love crying. Seriously, nothing feels better than a good sob session.. 
13.I go through food phases. There was cream of wheat in November, perogies in September, edamame last July, sweet potatoes in August. I can't really explain it.
14. I've become a bit of a make-out bandit. Oh well, whatcha gonna do?
15. I'm planning a seance to take place as soon as it's warm enough. There will be wine.
16. Country music is for summer time only.
17. I take long drives in the dark to calm down. 
18. It's eternally unfair that I was blessed with awesome style, but not the funds to support my habit.
19. I may, or may not have a crush on Robert Munsch.
20. I stopped biting my finger nails. Now I only bite my thumb nails. Ha.
21. Making lists is one of my favourite procrastination tools.

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